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Breast Cancer Mastectomy Massage Therapy

Is Breast Cancer Mastectomy Massage Therapy Right for You?

Breast Cancer Mastectomy Massage Therapy is aimed at helping women make significant gains in recovery after breast cancer treatment. 

Cancer treatment can be overwhelming and invasive. It may leave you uneasy about your body image and whether you'll ever return to the life and activities you love. But skilled, attentive touch can help piece your body together again and restore hope in the healing process. The earlier you get help, the more your long-term physical and emotional recovery will benefit. Your body may have a "new normal," but you don't have to suffer.

A properly designed program of massage therapy, exercise therapy, and lymphedema management can reduce long-term side effects that lead to unnecessary pain and suffering. The appearance and sensations you may have developed around the scars, the tightness in your skin and muscles, the strength you have lost, the changes in your posture and breathing, and your diminished sense of overall well-being -- all these things CAN CHANGE!

Breast cancer mastectomy massage therapy sessions are designed to help decrease scar tissue from mastectomy, lumpectomy, axillary dissection or sentinel lymph node biopsy, surgical drains and ports, breast reconstruction, flaps and donor sites. This kind of work helps improve tissue pliability associated with radiation fibrosis. Sessions also help relieve shoulder pain, tightness across the chest, back and neck. Other benefits include decreasing numbness, axillary web syndrome, swelling and mild lymphedema.

The techniques I use are non-invasive. I use involve gentle myofascial release, oncology massage and manual lymphatic drainage. I felt drawn to work with people impacted by cancer soon after graduating from massage school (Winter of 2006). The most common issues I addresses are post-op swelling, lymphedema, pain, physical discomfort and scar tissue problems. 

For more information, please read my free downloadable guide on reducing pain after breast cancer treatment.

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